Adventures in Miss Chua's Classroom
Term 1 Class Photo Journey
Sunday, March 8, 2015 • 4:58 PM • 0 comments
We have covered much ground this term. For the P5s, it is a process of getting them acquainted with the rigour and challenges of being in P5. As for P6s, it is about juggling various responsibilities and preparing self for the eventual challenge at the end of the year: PSLE. 

P5: Story Introductions

5Grace was taught to use start their stories using 5 different story leads. Keeping the reader in mind, the girls are encouraged to create suspense and foster interest in their introduction and to avoid mundane story beginnings. 

Starter Activity for the lesson on EXCEPT. The girls are required to draw a picture based on the instruction given. Such an activity also helped me to gauge the extent to which the girls understand how 'EXCEPT' should be used. 

Starter Activity for the lesson EXCEPT.

 P6: Mystical Scrolls 3 
  In our Mystical Scrolls lessons, the children are asked to take on WRITER's EYES to notice the elements of plot and to discuss the merits and weaknesses of a story. The girls are also challenged to list down techniques they could use (as extracted from the composition) in their own writing to enhance its effectiveness. 

Kevin: Formative Feedback
The P6s have also started using the Formative Feedback kit provided by MOE. The Feedback cards enable teachers to quiz the class and evaluate the class' level of understanding efficiently.

We used this for Social Studies Class 

P5-P6 Turbo Spells and Whoo Hoo Quiz

We had our Turbo Spells session and our WHOO HOO quiz this term. The questions from the Whoo Hoo Quizzes are taken from past year Top school exam papers. As a result of the weekly practice, the girls have done relatively well in the Grammar and Synthesis section of the CA1 paper. More Whoo Hoo Quizzes will be provided in Term 2 and Term 3 to prepare the children for the upcoming examinations. 

Average score for Synthesis (6Grace): 8/10
Average score for Synthesis (5Grace): 6/10 

I'm also proud of the increased commitment in the girls to do their best in the weekly quizzes by learning their vocabulary words and revising using the previous Whoo Hoo practices. Your hard work will pay off, my dear children. Don't give up! 

 P6 Philosophy for Children: Death Penalty

We had a second P4C session to provide some intellectual stimulation for our P6s. Many questions and issues were raised regarding the acceptability of the death penalty. 

As a class, we also compared the viability of using life-imprisonment to replace capital punishment. In that discussion, some children raised really interesting points for philosophical inquiry. 

Julia, for instance, said, "Being imprisoned for life is worse than death because you do not have freedom." Such statements are important in evoking inquiry on what it means to LIVE and LIVE A LIFE OF MEANING. It also raised questions on the role of freedom on life's greater meaning. 

Ultimately, the classroom practising P4C is a microcosm of a diverse, fast-developing democratic society. In the philosophical circle, children are exhorted to respect all opinions, to suspend judgement and to consider all points of view before rebutting. The voice of every single child is valued. 

In encouraging such dialogic discussions of meaning, policy and concepts, we are preparing our children for a democratic and empathic society where opportunities and freedom are given to given to every single member of the community. It is hoped that such dialogue on the "deeper stuff" will also stimulate the children's interest in inquiry, research and critical thinking when encountering controversial issues. 

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